Monday 24 January 2011

Morreton Hats

Once again the blogging community and the internet have proved themselves to be things of great wonder.
Whilst I was in Japan I received an email from Charles-Henri Morreton regarding a previous post of mine and dialogue we had shared about the label I had found inside a Morreton hat.
My lack of knowledge of Morreton hats and their illustrators was addressed -

"It's funny because last week I made a book about MORRETON Hats' advertisements for me.
About the MORRETON firm, it was created in 1863 (in Chazelles-sur-Lyon, near Lyon - FRANCE) by my great grand father Jean MORRETON and the firm closed during my grand father's direction... 
So I never knew this firm :-(  I was born in 1981!
About your favourite label, I am not sure that was from Jean Desnos..."

The fantastic collection of artwork associated with the hats can be found here and to top off the correspondence, Charles-Henri very generously sent me a whole lot of images to blog.

More tomorrow.