Katy sent me a link to Spoonflower this week, these are a selection of the designs they have for show and tell purposes which are also for sale, click on the images to take you to more of each designer's work.
Spoonflower is a really easy way to have your own design digitally printed onto cotton at a very reasonable price.
Natural fibre fabrics are printed using eco-friendly, water-based pigment inks. You simply upload your design, even order a sample swatch, and that's it, posted to you in about three weeks.
Cutting out the setting up costs which are normal in printworks and honing down the techniques on offer to one process, they seem to have been able to crack it on prices. Really tempting for crafting projects, the process means even photographic designs, like the bark above, can be printed and being able to use your own print design for a textile project becomes available to everyone, which is brilliant.
It's a pity no-one's doing it over here, the shipping from the States possibly cancels out the green qualities of the clean inks and natural cottons.